来源: 作者: 发布时间:2017-10-15邀请人:
时间: 2017-10-15
时 间: 2017年10月16日(星期一)下午 14:30 地 点: 中心教学楼610 |
报告一:硕士生报告 时间: 14:30-15:00 题 目:无人机平台下行人检测技术研究 报告人:何扬 指导老师: 邓宸伟、史庆藩 摘要: 近年来,无人机产业迅速兴起,因其具有灵活便携等特点,获得了许多行业的青睐,利用无人机进行目标检测的应用逐渐增多。行人检测作为目标检测中一个热门的子领域,在无人车、智能监控等场景中起到了至关重要的作用。我们回顾了行人检测领域的研究历史,选取对行人检测发展起到重要影响的几个关键点进行阐述,并针对无人机平台的特点,提出了基于暗通道的行人检测方法,在原有算法的基础上提高了检测率并降低了虚警率。 |
报告二:硕士生报告 时间:15:00-15:30 题 目:基于SnS2的气体传感器的研究 报告人:陈登云 指导老师:吴汉春、李英兰 摘要: 近些年来,由于二维材料具有很大的比表面积、高的电导率、低的噪声,使其被广泛的应用于气体传感器。尤其是具有高性能,大信噪比的FET类型的电阻式气体传感器被广泛的研究。在此背景下,本文以二维半导体材料SnS2为例,系统介绍了SnS2的制备以及表征,并把合成的材料制作成气体传感器,在室温下用激光辅助的手段探测NO2气体,研究该气体传感器的探测性能。 |
报告三:硕士生报告 时间:15:30-16:00 题 目: Study on Characteristics of Quasi-Electroneutrality Corona 报告人:姜兆瑞 指导老师: 缪劲松 摘要: In this paper, a quasi-electroneutrality corona ionic wind device is proposed based on the structure of positive and negative corona discharge placed in parallel. The ionic wind can be produced simultaneously by two corona electrodes under different voltage polarities and meets each other halfway, thus forming a quasi-neutral electric flow to restrain the space-charge effect of ionic wind in unipolar corona. In the experiment, volt-ampere characteristic curve of positive and negative corona discharge is tested. The relationship between corona wind velocity (v) ,overvoltage (ΔU) and current (I) in two electrodes are monitored. The variation of the corona wind velocity (v) along the axis are studied and the influence of electrodes gap spacing (d) is considered. It is found that, within the scope of the study, the currents in two electrodes of the device are basically equivalent, and the curve of current-overvoltage of electrode is in a quadratic function. The ionic wind velocity is proportional to the overvoltage (Or the square root of the current) of the two electrodes. The ion wind velocity increases at first and then decreases with the increase of length between two electrodes, while it decreases in inverse proportion with the increase of distance of ion from the electrode. It can effectively inhibit the radial development of the discharge and avoid the direct discharge between the positive and negative electrodes to improve the axial discharge intensity by placing the dielectric plate between the positive and negative electrodes. The relationship between neutral ionic wind and discharge conditions in this structure is similar to that of corona wind from single electrode, but has larger ion wind velocity and greater active range. |
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